International Students – Incoming

Please notice that some curricula designed overseas are equivalent to Brazilian ones, but others are structured in a different, hence asymmetric way.

The length of most bachelor’s degree programs at FAU-USP last 5 years, without having a combined master’s degree, which requires around two additional years of education, whereas Bologna Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, for example, require respectively 3 and 2 years for program completion.

Although, current Master’s students that obtained a Bachelor’s degree (Architecture or Design) are advised to attend courses at FAU-USP at the undergraduate level/1st cycle (Graduação) if they only intend to take courses.

Students holding a Bachelor’s degree of any duration may apply to postgraduate programs for a research stay. If accepted, they may also apply to attend courses.

Undergraduate Level: Info Sheet FAU (v2025)

Graduate Level: information exchange student (v2023)

International Students - Incoming

Undergraduate Exchange at FAUUSP

Undergraduate Level: Info Sheet FAU (v2025)

FAU-USP receives students from partner institutions abroad for one or two semesters, depending on the nature of the agreement between the institutions. FAU-USP receives students of Architecture and Design courses.
The courses of Architecture and Urbanism and Design at FAUUSP last five years. The Architecture course has classes in the morning and afternoon (from 08h00 to 18h00) and the Design course is in the night (19h00 to 22h30).

USP’s Credits : 1 credit class is 15 hours and 1 credit work, 30 hours. The home institution, upon return of the student, makes an analysis of the credits and hours completed by the student during the exchange, to account for them in their own system.
FAUUSP’s academic year begins at the beginning of the year, usually at the end of February. The academic calendar can be accessed at Jupiterweb:


To apply for an exchange student at FAU, the home institution must make her / him NOMINATION.

For information on the nomination and application process, see our webpage:

Incoming Students – Application

Portuguese Course for Foreigners

There is no formal requirement of prior knowledge of Portuguese, but all classes are taught in Portuguese.

The FFLCH Language Center offers a semester course of Portuguese for Foreigners.

Information by the site or by the email:

Scholarships and Costs

USP is a free and public institution that receives foreign students without school fees. Therefore, it does not offer scholarships.


The University does not have accommodation for foreign students. for exchange students, USP recommends that they participate in the IFriends program.


At USP there are the University Restaurants, known as “Bandejões”. The Trays offer breakfast, lunch and dinner to the USP community.

The price of meals can be found at the link below:

To enroll in disciplines

At the time of application, the student chooses the disciplines he “would like” to study, at the moment of application he is not enrolling in any of them. Enrollment starts only after classes start.

For information on enrollment process, see our webpage:

Incoming Students – Enrollment

USP – Transcripts of Records

After the end of the semester, students receive email notifications from the system informing that the professor responsible for the discipline included the grade and frequency at USP system.
We ask that the student request us the transcript of records after receiving the confirmation of the upload of the grades of all enrolled disciplines.

Any problem related to the grade or attendance must be dealt with directly with the professor responsible for the discipline.

Since 2019 we are not sending transcripts of records physically by mail, only in digital format.

USP TOR _ Control Code.


More information about exchange at USP can be obtained from the AUCANI (USP National and International Academic Cooperation Agency) website:



All foreigners must apply for the RNM, that is, the National Migratory Registry (formerly RNE – National Registry of Foreigners).

The deadline to obtain this Registration is 90 days from the day you entered Brazil.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


The CPF is a fundamental document for the student to be able to open a bank account, buy a cell phone plan, obtain the Student Ticket.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


All students are eligible for this ticket. It’s the public transport ticket that grants 50% discount on bus and subway fares.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents



GUIDE FOR INCOMING STUDENTS: after the Acceptance Letter

Double Undergraduate Degree

What is the Double Undergraduate Degree?

The Double Undergraduate Degree (Duplo-Diploma) is a specific mobility modality for undergraduate students. It allows the student to complete the program related to the last two years of the undergraduate courses (architecture or design) at FAU, being able to obtain a diploma related to this degree at the end of this period.

The study period varies according to the agreement established between the Schools. Currently, FAU’s agreements with POLIMI provide that the program lasts for 4 semesters.

FAU has this Double Undergraduate Degree programs:

ALUNO FAU: Para participar do programa o aluno deverá se inscrever nos editais específicos para a seleção, sempre observando os requisitos e demais informações.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT: For the Double Undergraduate Degree at FAUUSP, the student must be nominated by the home school / faculty. For more information, contact your school’s International Office.


To apply for an exchange student at FAU, the home institution must make her / him NOMINATION.

For information on the nomination and application process, see our webpage:

Incoming Students – Application



All foreigners must apply for the RNM, that is, the National Migratory Registry (formerly RNE – National Registry of Foreigners).

The deadline to obtain this Registration is 90 days from the day you entered Brazil.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


The CPF is a fundamental document for the student to be able to open a bank account, buy a cell phone plan, obtain the Student Ticket.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


All students are eligible for this ticket. It’s the public transport ticket that grants 50% discount on bus and subway fares.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


Graduate Student at FAUUSP

Enrolling as a graduate student at FAU USP

FAU USP offers Master’s and Ph.D degree courses in Architecture and Urbanism, and in Design.

In order to enroll in one of those courses as a regular student it is necessary to apply and be approved in one of the Selection Processes offered yearly.

It is also possible to apply for one of the classes offered by those courses, as a special student.

For more information, see:

FAU USP Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism

FAU USP Graduate Program in Design

FAU USP Graduate studies – Selection Process

FAU USP Graduate studies – Special Students


Graduate student exchange at FAU USP

Graduate students regularly enrolled in Master’s (after completing 5 years of undergraduation, according to the Brazilian higher education structure) or Ph.D courses in other institutions can apply for a period of research and/or of studies at FAU USP graduate programs in Architecture and Urbanism, and in Design.

For more information, look for your institution’s international office or send an email message to <>.


Double Graduate Degree

The Double Graduate Degree is an exchange program, in which the student develops part of his Master’s or Ph.D research at FAU USP and part in a foreign institution, under the supervision of at least two professors, one in each institution, to obtain a Master’s or a Ph.D degree awarded by the two institutions.

To apply for this program, it is mandatory that the student is already enrolled in a graduate program as a Master or a Ph.D degree candidate, and that an agreement towards the double degree is established between FAU USP and the foreign institution.

FAU USP has a long experience with specific double graduate degrees, established upon qualified request, and currently has a general Double Ph.D Degree agreement with IUAV University of Venice.

For more information, look for your institution’s Ph.d program office or international office, or send an email message to <>.

See also:

USP Graduate Studies Office, Double/Multiple Title



All foreigners must apply for the RNM, that is, the National Migratory Registry (formerly RNE – National Registry of Foreigners).

The deadline to obtain this Registration is 90 days from the day you entered Brazil.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


The CPF is a fundamental document for the student to be able to open a bank account, buy a cell phone plan, obtain the Student Ticket.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents


All students are eligible for this ticket. It’s the public transport ticket that grants 50% discount on bus and subway fares.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents

Undergraduate Transfer to FAUUSP

Transfer from other higher education institutions (both Brazilian or foreign) is only possible when vacancies are available after regular enrollment and internal transfer processes (from one USP School to another).

This admission process happens via pre-selection and specific examinations, both applied by FUVEST.
For more information, access -> Transferência.

Undergraduate Regular Student


The admission test – “Vestibular” – is organized every year by Fundação Universitária para o Vestibular (FUVEST). It is commonly applied between November and January.

All the exams are held in Portuguese, and in Brazil.

Further information can be found at:


Some vacancies are filled through the Sisu – unified national selection system – to candidates participating in the National High School Exam (Enem).

RNM (Registro Nacional Migratório) - Polícia Federal


All foreigners must apply for the RNM, that is, the National Migratory Registry (formerly RNE – National Registry of Foreigners).

The deadline to obtain this Registration is 90 days from the day you entered Brazil.

We ask that students interested in obtaining more information on this topic visit our webpage on the subject:

Incoming Students – Documents

Portuguese Course - Centro de Linguas FFLCH

Portuguese Course for Foreigners

There is no formal requirement of prior knowledge of Portuguese, but all classes are taught in Portuguese.

The FFLCH Language Center offers a semester course of Portuguese for Foreigners.

Information by the site or by the email:

USP iFriends Program - AUCANI

With the objective of integrating foreign exchange students to the University of São Paulo, the USP International Cooperation Office (AUCANI) created the USP iFriends Program: a volunteer program in which USP students assist exchange students in their main issues related to the period they will be in Brazil.

Active since 2011, the program receives hundreds of registrations per year and allows students from different courses and cultures to come together, enriching the life experience of university students.

Suggested activities for Amigos USP:


Registrations for undergraduate exchange students are made through the Mundus System, by filling out the USP mobility application form. (note: the exchange student’s USP number will be created one week after the letter of acceptance is sent)

After completing a short registration, your profile will be available for selection by AmigoUSP articipating in the program. Whenever there is a selection of your profile, an automatic email is sent to the exchange student with the information of your new USP iFriend. Each exchange student can receive a selection of up to 3 USP students.

As soon as this selection is made, your new USP iFriend has access to the contact information of the exchange student to start a conversation.

iFriend Guide


USP, like many other educational institutions around the world, adopts the EDUROAM system for its Wi-Fi network.

How to connect to the network?

If you already use eduroam Wi-Fi at your home institution, then your login and password will remain the same.

Members of the USP community will be able to use the USP number accompanied by to access the “eduroam” wireless network (wi-fi), using the same unique password

It is important to fill in in the login field. That is, if your USP number is 123456789, in the login field fill in

Guides to help


Guide _ ID USP


FAU International Office
E-mail contact

FAU International Office

Profa. Priscila Lena Farias

Prof. Gustavo Curcio

Service team

Fernanda Samie Shoshi
Head of Academic Support Section
+55 11 3091-1576

Maria Vilani Cezar
+55 11 3091-1575

Rodrigo Gonçalves Winther
+55 11 3091-4685

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 09h to 18h