International Office

The FAU International Office was created in 2023 (Director's Ordinance n. 24/2023).

Its activity is the development and implementation of international cooperation policies in the field of Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Research and Culture and University Extension.

FAUUSP presentation

Video Presentation (Portuguese)

Video Presentation (English)

Video Presentation (Spanish)

FAUUSP History

The Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism, and Design (FAU) was founded in 1948 and evolved from the former Architecture and Engineering Course at the University’s School of Engineering. During the School’s early years the technical aspects of the former course remained largely the same, but were gradually enhanced by the curriculum of the National School of Fine Arts. The technical courses were given by engineers, whereas artists became responsible for the so-called “artistic courses”.

The curriculum reform of 1962, in which professors Vilanova Artigas, Carlos Milan, Lourival Gomes Machado and others actively participated, set down the bases for the educational structure that now applies at FAU’s three departments: Project, History of Architecture, and Technology of Architecture. This recognition of architecture as a multiple intellectual space for arts, humanities and technology allowed the School to focus especially on important themes related to the functions of a professional architect without losing sight of the importance of a broad and variegated formation.

As of 2006, besides the existing course in Architecture and Urbanism, the School began offering an additional undergraduate course, namely, the course in Design. It operates under the same intellectual spirit as that of architecture and deals with emerging questions in contemporary society. The most important questions are those related to the demand for interactivity and digital and electronic platforms, and the need to fulfill the demands of different segments in society. For this to happen, it was necessary to enlist fundamental backing from three of USP’s most renowned schools, the School of Engineering (EP USP), the School of Communications and Arts (ECA USP), and the School of Economics, Business and Accounting (FEA USP). The course in Design offers a unique array of disciplines, with the main professional focus being product design and visual design.


FAUUSP International Office

The FAU International Office is composed of the academic council and the administrative core.

PORTARIA FAUUSP Nº 24_2023 – Escritório Internacional da FAUUSP.

Composition of the FAU International Office

FAU Factsheet _ Infosheet


Below you can find more specific information about the activities of the FAU International Office:

International Agreements

FAU’s International Office is responsible for establishing international cooperation agreements with foreign bodies and institutions in order to encourage the exchange of students, professors and researchers.

For more information on international agreements, we have prepared a page dedicated to this subject:

Page International Agreements


Student Mobility

FAU Factsheet _ Infosheet

FAUUSP annually receives, on average, 50 exchange students from different countries to carry out an exchange for 1 or 2 semesters for the Architecture and Urbanism and Design courses.

In order to bring more information about incoming student mobility, we have prepared a page dedicated to this subject:

Page International Students (Incoming)


International Visit


Visit – FAUUSP building
If you are interested in visiting the building, we can help you establish contact with the departments and people responsible for scheduling this activity.

Visiting professor
USP has a program for visiting professors. To do so, the professor affiliated with an international institution must contact a professor at FAUUSP to begin the process of acceptance as a Visiting Professor.

Institutional visit
We also assist in the case of institutional visits, for exemple: representatives of foreign institutions and organizations who wish to establish agreements and partnerships with us.


FAUUSP International office:


FAU International Office
E-mail contact

FAU International Office

Profa. Priscila Lena Farias

Prof. Gustavo Curcio

Service team

Fernanda Samie Shoshi
Head of Academic Support Section
+55 11 3091-1576

Maria Vilani Cezar
+55 11 3091-1575

Rodrigo Gonçalves Winther
+55 11 3091-4685

Working Hours
Monday to Friday: 09h to 18h